Why Are You Struggling with Learning Guitar On YouTube


With the introduction of the internet and YouTube, there are bounds of information online regarding learning guitar. Anything from YouTube Videos, even games and apps. Lots of these resources are full of promises and testimonials but the majority of people quickly become overwhelmed and do not achieve the results they expect from many of the resources. We have had a lot of experience from students coming to us frustrated from trying to learn online. Below are a list of common reasons why you might be struggling with learning guitar online.


You aren’t getting any feedback 


Feedback is really important when it comes to learning guitar and many online resources do not provide the opportunity for direct feedback when you learn a new guitar technique online. From a beginner to an advanced guitarist, you are constantly learning new techniques or new information to apply to your playing. Whenever you try something new, sometimes it doesn’t sound right or doesn’t feel right but there isn’t the opportunity for you to clarify this or get feedback. Therefore, it can become frustrating and you may second guess if what you are doing is correct or not.


Is the YouTube materials they are providing right for you?


There are a lot of guitar teachers and “experts” on YouTube, however, because the barrier to entry is low. There are a lot of low quality teachers out there. We are not saying all online guitar teachers are bad. There are in fact some very good online guitar lessons. However, most of them are not great. But it’s hard for you to know!


Secondly, it’s hard to know if the material is right for you, even when you’ve watched the video, you may still not know whether it’s actually relevant to your level of learning. There are also things you need to know that you may not know to search for. This can leave massive gaps in your learning.


You lack accountability


This is a big thing that lets people down when they try to learn guitar online. Practicing what you have learnt is an important step to improving your guitar playing skills. The lack of accountability means you may be less motivated to practice the harder things. Having someone face to face that will give you a kick up to bum to encourage you to practice is vital to your progress.


The other point comes when there is something difficult that you are struggling with, if you aren’t able to get feedback or help to overcome It, it’s likely that you aren’t wanting to practice it. Having a guitar teacher that helps you overcome them to ensure you are practicing these things correctly is important to helping you progress.


Most Online Guitar Lessons’ information is very general


A lot of the guitar lessons on YouTube are focused on general information, for most people. It is not specific to your needs and requirements. Let’s take the example that you are a car, you know you need to keep your engine running well and you need good tyres etc. But when you break down, you need information about your specific tyres and engine. It’s the same with guitar playing, what you need to become your playing you want to be may be different to what everyone else is doing, the information you need to overcome problems you are having may not be what helps the general person. Now general information will get you so far, but to really progress quickly and effectively, you need specific information for your needs and goals.


Having your questions answered


During your journey of learning the guitar, you will have questions about your playing, your learning, your challenges etc. For certain challenges, you might not even be able to put into words what your problems are. Trying to then describe your problems into words rather than just showing someone may not accurate portray the issues you are having to get them resolved. So when learning guitar online, one, you may not even be able to get your questions answered quickly, and two) you may need to show someone in person, even a video doesn’t show a three dimensional view of you to see what is going on. These are all challenges to getting your questions answered so that you are progress quickly on your guitar playing.



Become a great bedroom guitar player


Learning guitar online gets you to be a very good bedroom guitarist. That is because it lacks the essential elements of interactions between both other people and other musicians. Those who learnt guitar playing online often struggle to play in front other people in person or play with other musicians and guitarists. Being able to perform and play with others can really boost your confidence and also help you improve your guitar playing. So if you are wanting to do more guitar playing than just in your bedroom, then you definitely need to get that experience outside of learning guitar on YouTube.


About Author:

Guitar Tuition East London provides beginner guitar lessons London to guitar students across London. Many have been frustrated trying to learn for many years, and with the help of the school, have overcome their challenges and frustrations with learning the guitar.