The Best Part About Taking Guitar Lessons

Taking guitar lessons makes you a better guitarist faster than learning on your own. Not only do you learn how to correct your mistakes, but you learn what to practice and how to practice it. Best of all, working with a great guitar teacher gives you access to a strategy that helps you achieve your musical goals faster than ever.

Expert guitar teacher trainer, Tom Hess designs custom guitar teaching strategies for his students and shows other teachers how to do it too. Here is what he has to say on the topic: “One reason why self-taught guitar players struggle to make progress is they don’t know what or how to practice to achieve what they want in their playing. Great guitar teachers are experts at getting results for their students because they give them proven and effective strategies for reaching their goals. This makes it very easy for the student to improve because all they need to do is follow what the teacher tells them.”

How Using A Strategy Directly Benefits Your Guitar Playing:

There are countless ways that using a strategy helps you become a better guitarist. Here are just a few:

  • You stay motivated even when you struggle to play something correctly. Everyone struggles in their guitar playing from time to time, but using a strategy helps keep you motivated. How? It makes it easier to see a clear path to where you are heading. This helps you track and measure your progress along the way. Each time you advance, you see how far you’ve come and become more and more motivated to reach your goals.

  • You stop “chasing shiny objects”. A lot of guitar players distract themselves from reaching their goals because they spend too much time practicing licks or exercises that might seem cool, but don’t help them improve at all. A guitar teacher helps you stay focused on what is really important by giving you the exact materials you need to achieve the specific results you want.

  • You are able to become a truly great guitarist. Without a strategy for achieving your musical goals, you make progress slowly. With a strategy to guide you, you reach your goals quickly so you can move on to even BIGGER goals. Having a strategy and going through this process is what separates great guitarists from mediocre ones.

Taking guitar lessons and practicing with an effective strategy is not only fun, but addicting (in a good way). We agree with what Tom Hess says on this topic as well:

“You have more fun when you see yourself getting better every time you practice guitar. THIS is what makes playing guitar truly addictive. I’ve taught thousands of guitarists and every student who made massive progress (faster than anyone else), was totally addicted to practicing. This is only achieved when you learn with a clear strategy designed to give you results.”

To ensure you get the most results from taking guitar lessons, be 100% clear with your guitar teacher about your musical goals. Be as specific as possible when you first begin taking lessons. Later as you reach your goals or want to work towards new goals, let your guitar teacher know.

As soon as you have a strategy in place, you are ready to start making more progress than ever while having a blast doing it!